Good Shepherd is striving to be a church that lives up to the motto of “God’s work. Our hands.” We worship and nurture our faith but then reach out to serve our community and world. Our worship life is musically rich and intellectually stimulating, joyous and sacramental. We are prayerfully trying to pariticipate in God’s mission for the world.
What does ELCA Lutheran mean?
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). The ELCA has about 4,800,000 members spread across the USA. The ELCA was formed in 1988 when three Lutheran church bodies consolidated. The headquarters of the ELCA are in Chicago and the Presiding Bishop is the Rev. Elizabeth Eaton.Good Shepherd is a part of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod of the ELCA, which is headquartered in Rochester, MN. The SE MN Synod consists of 184 congregations with 30,000 baptized members.
Who we are as a church of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA):